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Years 7 – 9 NAPLAN Information


Years 7 – 10

Pinjarra Senior High School offers a wide range of programs designed to cater for the needs of all students. In Years 7 to 10, students work to achieve the outcomes of the Curriculum Framework across the eight Learning Areas. Year 8 students study a broad curriculum, which provides essential learning in English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, the Arts, Languages (Indonesian), Design and Technology and Health and Physical Education. In Years 9 and 10, students are provided with greater choice in the practical and creative learning areas to enable them to develop skills and increase their interest in a range of learning contexts during their middle school years.

Years 11 and 12

Year 11 & 12 students study six courses and choose from a range of pathways. These pathways provide courses leading to university entrance, alternative entry options for university and TAFE Certificates leading to an apprenticeship or entry into the workforce.

In senior school, students may select from courses leading to employment, traineeships and apprenticeships, TAFE and University. Pinjarra SHS offers a range of Australian Tertiary Admissions Ranking (ATAR) subjects, a broad range of School Curriculum and Standards Authority Courses (SCSA), and Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs. These VET courses offer students opportunities to complete nationally recognised qualifications.

Workplace Learning is also an integral part of many senior school courses.

Course Councillors meet with students and their parents to negotiate the best possible learning pathways. Students are then enrolled in the appropriate courses that enable them to achieve a Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) or a Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement (WASSA) at the completion of their senior schooling.

Flexible Learning for Senior Students

A Senior Schooling Engagement Program (SSEP) has been established for students who prefer practical, outdoors education to the more traditional education settings. The Pinjarra Senior High School SSEP is called the FLEEC (Flexible Learning Education and Enterprise Centre). The name of the program refers to the nature of the program which is about agriculture, horticulture and environmental sustainability, all very important characteristics of the local area.


The Learning Enrichment Team (LET) is a highly experienced team of Education Support Staff. The Education Assistants are assigned to assist and support students to enable them to engage with the curriculum. The LET’s collaborative approach with the school community enables students to be identified and supported. This is achieved using a variety of strategies including in-class support, one-to-one study sessions and specialised programmes.

VET Courses include:
  • Automotive (Vocational Preparation)\
  • Engineering
  • Hospitality
  • Music
  • Rural Operations

Plus, various other qualifications off-site via TAFE

  • Animal Studies
  • Building and Construction
  • Community Services
  • Events Management
  • Fashion
  • Hairdressing
  • Teacher Assistant
  • Retail Baking
  • Retail, Make-up and Skin Care