Dear Parents and Caregivers,

I am writing to let you know of some changes to gatherings at school sites we will be making to minimise the number of students and staff impacted by the presence of a person in our school community who unknowingly may be COVID positive.

The Chief Health Officer has advised that schools should limit in-school gatherings of students and staff to class groups or small groups within a year level. This is to minimise the number of students or staff impacted by the presence of a positive case.

At this stage, it is not necessary for us to postpone or cancel infrequent special events, such as interschool carnivals, camps, or school balls. As previously announced, further public health measures may be stepped up in line with high caseloads in the community which WA is not yet experiencing.

If you have any questions in relation to this, please do not hesitate to contact me.

We will continue to provide your child with quality teaching and learning as we take sensible and proportionate actions to respond to the changing environment we are living in with COVID-19.


Jan Stone 