Important Dates

DateEvent Name
2 March - 1 April 2021OLNA
12 March 2021Yr 11/12 Outdoor Ed. Rottnest Excursion
23 March 2021Swimming Carnival
25-26 March 2021Yr 7/8 Summer Carnival
1 April 2021Last Day of Term 1

Principal's Report

Welcome back to all students, parents and caregivers and an especially warm welcome to our Year 7s and other students who are new to our school community in 2021. Welcome also to the new staff joining our team this year.  I am sure that you will find Pinjarra Senior High School to be a supportive and rewarding professional environment.

While it wasn’t quite the start we were expecting, I have no doubt that the week one ‘lockdown’ and subsequent week of Covid safety restrictions did little to impede a smooth start for our students. Our sincere thanks to parents and caregivers for your support in ensuring that where possible, students were equipped with masks and were able to comply with the requirements around physical distancing and hand sanitation. They did a remarkable job and we are grateful for the cooperation of our school community to navigate this challenging time.

The unusual start to the year has certainly done nothing to dampen the excitement around Pinjarra Senior High School celebrating it’s one hundredth birthday in 2021. We have been looking forward to this centenary year where we will partner with the community to celebrate the important history and role of the school as an integral part of the town of Pinjarra. The Centenary Committee, comprised of school staff, representatives from the Shire of Murray, local community groups and community leaders has been working for several years to plan the array of events and activities that will occur throughout 2021 to commemorate this important historical milestone. We are extremely pleased to have a growing alumnus of past students and staff who I am sure will contribute greatly to the celebrations throughout the year. We encourage all of our current students and parents to join this online community so that we can keep you up to date with events, activities and opportunities to join the many projects we have planned. If you haven’t already done so, please visit our school website and follow the links to the Centenary webpage to register your interest.

Among the highlights we intend to roll out across the year are several school and community joint projects, including visual and performing Arts projects, a STEM project to launch a teddy bear into space, a time capsule project for our younger students and the development of a special centenary Football jumper for our Pinjarra Football Academy students to mark the importance of AFL Football throughout the history of the school. The ‘jewel in the crown’ of our celebrations will be the open day on Saturday 5th June, when we will invite the community to experience a ‘time walk’ through the one-hundred-year history of the school to view the journey from 1921 to 2021, and indeed to see some of the exciting plans for Pinjarra Senior High School in the near future.

While 2021 will most definitely see us looking back through time, it will also bring many new initiatives to mark the beginning of a new century in our school’s history. In 2021 we will commence a new Business Planning Cycle, launch a new, more inclusive House System and test a new Engagement Strategy to more effectively support student needs. Further Information about each of these initiatives will be provided as they develop during the year. Other key aspects of our work developed during 2020 will be ongoing this year, notably the Primary Aspirant Program, strengthening student leadership and ‘voice’ in school decision-making, the STEM Innovation project and Positive Behaviour Schools matrix, to ensure students can perform at their best. Of course, Summer – our school therapy dog – is back and will be out and about around the school again this year, which is guaranteed to put smiles on the faces of students and staff alike.

I am confident that 2021, our Centenary year, is shaping up to be very exciting. I am looking forward to the fantastic celebration of this wonderful school and its achievements over such a long period of time. It is clear that Pinjarra Senior High School holds a special place in the community and is the source of many great memories for generations of ‘Pinni kids’, who I am sure fondly recall their time as students here. Welcoming them back in June to reminisce, share stories, reignite old acquaintances, reflect on what this school has meant to them and meet current students and staff who are forging an exciting future will be something to remember for a long time to come. I encourage everyone in our school community to get behind us this year and to contribute to our ongoing story as a great place to come to school, to work and to belong.  Best wishes for a highly successful Centenary year.

Jan Stone

School Expectations 2021

It is important for everyone to get off to a strong start this year, so to this end, we would like to mention a few aspects of school operations for 2021 to ensure that students, parents and caregivers are clear about expectations and responsibilities. Many of these points will be familiar, but worth a reminder to ensure consistent information for students both at school and at home.

  • If students are absent, please contact the school to advise us of this as soon as possible. Text messages or emails are great. This will prevent parents and caregivers from receiving automated text messages about student absences.
  • All students are expected to wear our school uniform. School uniform items are now available from Sports Power- Pinjarra. If students come to school in non-school uniform clothing, they will be directed to Student Services for assistance. Please ensure that you purchase the necessary school uniform items or contact the school so that we can assist you with access to uniforms.
  • School commences at 8:40am. Students should aim to be on site by 8:30am. All busses arrive in plenty of time for students to get to period one classes. Lateness is usually due to students leaving the school site before school or stopping off on their way to school, often to get food. This is not acceptable. We have a Breakfast Club running for those who need a bite to eat before class. Please encourage students to come directly to school in the morning. Persistent, unexplained and unacceptable lateness to classes may result in a loss of good standing.
  • If students are at school, it is expected that they attend their timetabled classes. Wandering around the school site, or leaving the school site without parent permission during the day will be recorded as unexplained absence or truancy on our attendance system. Parents will be contacted should this behaviour occur. While it is a minority of our students who persistently engage in class avoidance, the potential for disruption to those students who are in classes is unacceptable. Being at school means being in the correct class at the correct time. Only those students with a note from their teacher have permission to be out of class at any given time.
  • The Department of Education Mobile Phone Policy has been implemented across all public schools in WA. It is not a ‘school rule’, but is legislation to support positive, safe and productive learning environments in schools. The simple instruction for students is ‘Off and Away’ during school hours. This includes recess and lunch breaks and covers the whole school day. Students are not permitted to make or take phone calls or send or receive text messages while at school – not even from parents or caregivers. Should you need to contact your child while they are at school, please contact us on 9531 7000 and we will relay the message to the student or arrange to bring them to the phone. There are some students who are permitted to access their phones whilst at school for medical reasons. These are managed on a case by case basis. If any parents or caregivers have concerns about the Mobile Phone Policy as it applies to their child, we will continue to work with you to develop understanding and create suitable solutions.
  • When students encounter a ‘bump in the road’ at school and require support, it is important to contact the staff member best positioned to provide the information and assistance that they need. This is usually the class teacher, Head of Learning Area or House Coordinator. In some instances, it may be appropriate to speak to the Student Services Manager or an Associate Principal about your concerns. It is rarely the case that the Principal should be the first port of call, as day to day, the Principal role is less directly involved with case managing individual students. Where Principal involvement is necessary, the matter will be referred to the Principal by other staff. Please be mindful of who can best assist you when contacting the school with concerns or enquiries to ensure you receive prompt and helpful service.
  • Parents and caregivers play a vital role in helping students to achieve success at school, so we encourage frequent contact with teachers to address questions you may have about your child’s progress and well-being. House Coordinators are also a great source of information and support, as they closely monitor how students are navigating the challenges that the school environment can present. Early contact is a great way to establish strong partnerships between home and school so that students feel understood and supported as they learn their way forward. To support these relationships, we will host several parent information evenings, social events and reporting meetings throughout the year to build partnerships between students, teachers and parents and caregivers. Please attend these and remember you are welcome to contact the school any time to discuss matters related to your child’s academic or personal well-being.

2021 Alcoa Prospects Program

The Alcoa Prospects Program at PSHS commenced in 2016 and the 2021 program launched on Wednesday February 24 with all the young women in Year 10 being briefed on the scope of the initiative which includes the opportunity to explore career pathways offered by Alcoa, gain industry insights, be exposed to industry mentors and improve their communications and resume-writing skills. Core elements of the program include an Alcoa tour, ‘speed careering’ events, careers workshops, attendance at the CMEWA Inspiring Girls Forum and involvement in the Women in Mining WA Summit. Since its inception 160 young women from PSHS have been involved and both Alcoa and PSHS are very excited that the Prospects Program is a Finalist at this year’s Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia, Women in Resources Awards (WIRA) in the category of Outstanding Company Initiative.

Alcoa CCN Meeting School Representatives: Jody Wopereis (Year 11 - Scarp) and Samantha Gardiner (Year 12 - Forest)

Alcoa Community Consultative Network Meeting

Congratulations to continuing PSHS representative, Year 12 Samantha Gardiner (Forest) and to the new Year 11 representative Jody Wopereis (Scarp). The two students attend regular meetings at Alcoa’s Regional Office with Company representatives. Business, Environmental and Community updates and partnerships are tabled as part of these after-school meetings.

New House System

2021 has seen big changes at the school with the evolution of the schools house group system. After 35 years we say farewell to Trojans, Vikings, Aztecs and Spartans making way for 5 new house groups dutifully led by our 2021 House Coordinators in Mr Beswick, Miss Brotchie, Mr Gillam, Mrs Gray and Miss Helyar. We are looking forward to unveiling our House groups and their respective Student leaders at our first assembly for the year on Wednesday March 10. 2021 promises to be a great year for our House Groups with the fierce competition beginning with the up-coming swimming carnival. Which House will be victorious?

Pinjarra SHS Alumni and Centenary Update

The first issue of our Alumni Update newsletter was emailed out recently to former students and staff who have signed up on our alumni page.

A copy of the Alumni Update is available here.

We are also proud to announce that as part of our centenary celebrations, Pinjarra Senior High School is hosting a Centenary Open Day on Saturday June 5th 2021. Taking place over the WA Day weekend and during the Pinjarra Festival, our Centenary Open Day will showcase our school’s past and present, as well as the developments being made to improve the futures of our current and future students. We are still also keen to borrow any memorabilia that past students may have at home, so please contact the school if you have any items that could form part of our display during the open day.

OLNA - Round 1, 2021

A number of students in Years 10, 11 and 12 are about to sit the OLNA. This year, Round 1 OLNA commences on Tuesday 2 March 2021 and runs for the next three weeks.

OLNA stands for the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment. In order to demonstrate the required literacy and numeracy standards for the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), students are expected to sit this assessment.

Some students prequalify for the literacy and numeracy requirement through their performance in the Year 9 NAPLAN test. For those students who have NOT pre-qualified, the OLNA is held in March and September each year, starting in Year 10. This means students will have up to six opportunities before the end of Year 12 to meet the requirement.

Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 who have not yet achieved the OLNA, should have received their OLNA timetable for Round 1 on Monday 22 February 2021. This timetable will indicate which OLNA tests are required and when and where the tests will be held.

The OLNA has three components—reading, writing and numeracy. The table below provides an overview of the components.

Numeracy Reading Writing
Number of Questions 45 1 (600 word limit)
Question type Multiple-choice Open-ended
Mode Online point and click Typed online
Time 50 minutes 60 minutes
Delivery Randomised forms Randomised forms
Adjustments Extra time, pause, coloured background and higher quality images

To prepare students for the types of questions they can expect and to familiarise them with the online assessment platform, they can access practice and example tests available at under Years 11 and 12 > Assessment > OLNA > Practice and Example Tests.

If you want to know more, go to the Authority’s website and look under Years 11 and 12 > Assessment > OLNA.

2021 Contributions and Charges


Thank you to those families who have already paid Contributions and Charges for 2021. We appreciate your support.

We believe that the best way to provide quality education is through the provision of modern texts and equipment for students.  Declining payments of voluntary contributions may result in a poorer standard of educational materials for your child.  Therefore, we urge you to pay this portion to enable the school to provide your child with the education we believe they deserve to create their futures.


Please also be reminded that Year 11 & 12 charges are compulsory and a 50% deposit is required at the start of the year.

Alternatively, to assist in lessening any financial burden a payment plan can be negotiated and is a very simple way of ensuring your child remains in their chosen course.  Bank deductions can be set up and we can accept amounts as little as $10 per week. In order to arrange this, please contact the school on 95317000.


In order to remain in extra cost electives, a 100% payment of the costs must be paid or a signed payment plan negotiated by Friday 5 March, 2021 (Week 5, Term One).

We urge you to start making plans now so that you are in a position to pay your Voluntary Contributions and Compulsory Charges prior to the end of Term One. Failure to do so may result in your child being moved into a low cost elective.



  • Internet Banking:
    BSB: 633000      Account No: 120445655
    Description: (eg Student Name (John Smith) Yr8, CC (Contributions & Charges), Yr10Camp etc).
  • By telephone using credit card facilities on 9531 7000.
  • In person during office hours (8.30am – 3.30pm), all EFTPOS/Credit Card options are available.
  • Negotiate a Payment Plan.
  • Post in a cheque.
  • Centrepay – this can be set up by parents contacting Centrelink

Thank you in advance for your continued support.

2021 Secondary Assistance Scheme

Secondary Assistance Forms are available at the front office. The Education Program Allowance ($235) and Uniform allowance ($115) is available for eligible families. The close off date for applications is 1 April 2021 (No late applications can be accepted).

To be eligible for the scheme, the parent/guardian(s) must hold at least one of these concession cards:

  • Centrelink Health Care Card
  • Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card
  • Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card (blue) card.

The concession card must:

  • be valid for at least four weeks
  • be valid for some time within Term 1 (1 February 2021 to 1 April 2021)
  • have the student listed on it
  • not be expired at the time of applying for SAS.

SmartRider Cards

All students are required to have a smartrider card. The initial card is free and will be automatically issued to new students.  The cards are now used as a library card as well as for signing in late or signing out early during the day for appointments etc.  Replacement cards must be ordered through the school library at a cost of $2.00. Further bus information can be found at:

Pinjarra SHS P&C Association

Pinjarra Senior High School is seeking to form a Parents’ and Citizens’ Association to enable greater parent and community input into school operations to support and enhance opportunities for our students.

The role of the P & C is to support the School Board and Principal to organise events that raise the profile of our school in the community and to provide vital services to our families by overseeing the operation of our School Canteen.

While this is an aspect of the work of the P & C, it is not the only purpose of this important group. The P & C gives interested parents a place to have a voice and to positively influence the direction of our school. The time commitment is not onerous and anyone over the age of 18 if eligible to join. If you wish to get involved in the life of Pinjarra Senior High School as a parent, the P & C is a great opportunity that I hope you will consider. Interested parents should contact the office on 9531 7000.

I look forward to welcoming you to our new P & C in the near future.

Jan Stone

Uniforms - Available from SportsPower Pinjarra

School uniforms are now available from Sports Power Pinjarra and not at the school.

If you claim the Secondary Assistance Scheme we recommend you tick the box on the form for the $115.00 to come directly to the school which will enable you to use this allowance to purchase uniforms immediately at Sports Power and any unused money will be held in credit for purchases throughout the year.

Visit for opening times. Information regarding School Dress Code is available via this link.

Chappo's Column

We’re back!! Jackie is working Tuesdays and Fridays whilst I’m at the school Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Together, we’re excited heading into this new school year and it’s been great seeing our new Year 7 cohort settling in to high school so well and hearing they are enjoying the change! It was good meeting more of our parents at the Year 7 Parent BBQ this week and in a few weeks we’re looking forward to a fun-filled activity day with the Year 7 students!

As always there are some fantastic adventure camps running every school holidays, so if you’re interested please see This is a Christian camping organization but don’t worry, they don’t Bible bash or brainwash anyone  J  These holidays they’re offering hiking and kayaking camps, mountain-biking and camping on the Geographe Bay foreshore. Hopefully more of our Year 12s get along to the drug and alcohol free Leavers Weeks up at Ningaloo because the Year 12s who went last year couldn’t stop raving about it! Please note I can offer financial assistance for any of these camps so please don’t hesitate to ask.

Justin Hill
Pinjarra SHS Chaplain

Pinjarra/Waroona YouthCARE

We are ramping up for another year of supporting our local school Chaplains and would love to hear from you if you can help out! We meet monthly on a Thursday morning and could always use a spare hand to turn sausages etc. at our fundraisers. For more info please contact our Chairperson Sheryl Gangell on 0424 239 367.

Community News and Events

Click on the flyers below to view.