Principal's Report

As we come to the end of another enriching term at Pinjarra Senior High School, I find myself reflecting on the journey we’ve undertaken together so far this term. Our focus value for this term has been to “Embrace Opportunities,” and I am delighted to see how members of our school community have risen to this challenge with enthusiasm and determination.

At the outset of the term, we welcomed our new Year 7 students with open arms. Witnessing their excitement, curiosity, and eagerness to begin their high school journey was truly heart-warming. I commend our existing students for their kindness and support in ensuring our newcomers felt welcomed and valued from day one.

However, amidst the joys of new beginnings, we also faced challenges that tested our resilience and unity. The recent vaping incursion served as a stark reminder of the importance of education and awareness surrounding such behaviours. I extend my gratitude to our staff, students, and parents for their swift response and collaborative efforts in addressing this issue head-on. Let us all remember that vaping is neither healthy nor accepted within our school community.

In the realm of academic achievement, our students showcased their skills and knowledge through assessments such as the OLNA and NAPLAN. These experiences not only measure academic progress but also instil in our students the importance of perseverance and continuous improvement. Well done to all students who participated in these assessments.

Beyond the classroom, our students had the opportunity to broaden their horizons through experiences such as the ALCOA Refinery Tour and the GRIP Leadership Conference. Such excursions provide invaluable real-world insights and ignite a passion for learning that extends beyond textbooks and classrooms.

Of course, we cannot overlook the spirited camaraderie and sportsmanship displayed at events such as the Swimming Carnival, PFNA Triathlon and the Year 9/10 Summer Carnivals. These occasions not only celebrate athleticism but also foster a sense of belonging and community spirit that is truly special to Pinjarra Senior High School.

Lastly, let me reiterate that Pinjarra Senior High School does not tolerate or teach any form of sexism, racism, or discrimination. We are committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment where every individual feels valued and supported.

In closing, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to our students for their dedication, our staff for their unwavering commitment, and our families and community for their ongoing support. Together, we have embraced opportunities, overcome challenges, and laid the foundation for continued growth and success.

Wishing you all a Happy Easter and safe holidays.

Jan Stone & Caroline Green

P&C Easter Raffle

A huge thank you to the students, staff and community members that donated easter eggs and chocolate to go towards our P&C Easter Raffle. Congratulations to the winners!

Year 7's First Week of High School

During the first week of high school at Pinjarra Senior High School, Year 7 students experienced an exciting activity day designed to foster bonds within their house groups while embodying the school’s Term Value of ‘Embrace Opportunities.’ Through a series of team-building exercises, icebreakers, and challenges, students had the chance to get to know their peers and teachers in a supportive environment. This day not only laid the foundation for lasting friendships but also instilled in them the importance of seizing opportunities for personal and academic growth throughout their high school journey.

Swimming Carnival

The recent Swimming Carnival was a splashing success, with students showcasing their aquatic talents and team spirit. Earth House emerged triumphant, coming away with the most House Points for the day. Their dedication, enthusiasm, and sportsmanship were truly commendable, reflecting our school values. Congratulations to all the participants for their outstanding efforts, and a special shoutout to Earth House for their well-deserved victory!

A huge thank-you to the P&C for running the barbeque and feeding our students and staff on the day, and to the MALC for their continued support and hospitality.

Vaping Incursion

Pinjarra Senior High School will be hosting a Parent Information Session on Vaping, featuring a distinguished guest speaker, Azelene Williams. Azelene comes to us with extensive experience and expertise in adolescent health education and substance abuse prevention. Her insights promise to be invaluable in helping us understand the risks associated with vaping and how we, as parents and educators, can support our teenagers in making informed choices.

Engagement Update

The engagement team has been busy in 2024, delivering a variety of classes designed to help students to build positive relationships, develop social and emotional skills and gain real world experience in a range of potential careers.

Mr Alvarenga, Mr Cooper and Mr Beswick have been reeling in buckets of fish with the year 8’s and 9’s. The year 8 girls have been honing their nail technician skills in Mrs Dinning, whilst the year 9 girls have been out on the water bodyboarding with Danni. The year 10 students have been developing their hospitality talents with Mrs Boardman, farming knowledge with Mr Garnaut and construction skills with Mr Hays plus we have a group of girls heading to SMTAFE every Friday to complete their Cert II in Retail Cosmetics. This year we also have the awesome addition of Mrs Palmers new stage makeup class, teaching a group of year 10’s the gory skills of special effects makeup for theatre and film.

AEP Team Building Day

Alcoa Updates

Exploring Pathways for Women in Industry: Alcoa Prospects Launch

Prospects is an initiative aimed at inspiring and empowering young women to explore diverse pathways in the industrial sector. Alcoa, in collaboration with Pinjarra Senior High School, has once again extended an opportunity to our Year 10 girls to engage in a series of workshops and events designed to ignite interest and awareness in the myriad of career avenues available to women in industry.

Fifty-one enthusiastic Year 10 girls participated in the launch event. Throughout the program, our students will have the chance to delve into various aspects of industry, gaining insights, skills, and inspiration that will shape their future career aspirations.

I encourage you to stay tuned for updates on the progress of our students throughout the Alcoa Prospects program.

Mrs Julie Gray, Career Practitioner

Alcoa ASE

Alcoa, in collaboration with Pinjarra Senior High School, has initiated a school-based scholarship program aimed at supporting academic excellence among students, particularly Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander students and other eligible individuals, to successfully complete their secondary education and obtain the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE). This scholarship program, directly associated with PSHS, underscores the value of education and the pursuit of excellence.

The primary objective of these scholarships is to alleviate the financial burden associated with both curricular and extra-curricular activities for the students and their families. Additionally, as part of this initiative, Alcoa will raise awareness among students about employment and educational prospects within Alcoa and the broader resources sector, while also providing assistance with workplace readiness.

These Alcoa scholarships not only serve as a means of academic encouragement but also aim to cultivate role models within our student body and foster sustained engagement with their education. Congratulations to the recipients of the Alcoa Scholarship of Excellence (ASE) for 2024:

Year 10:

– Luka Hill

– Sarah Jones

– Dorothy (Dottie) Paul

– Jake Taylor

Year 11:

– Kaiden Billett

– Sarah Bykerk

– Libbie Gaston

– Riley Hyatt

– Reuben Woodhouse

Year 12:

– Sophie Gullett

– Amy Moody

– Ethan Wright

Mrs Julie Gray, Career Practitioner

Unique Student Identifier

A USI is yours for life – much like a Driver’s Licence or Passport. A USI links your information from certificates, diplomas or training records. ALL students should request a USI and there will be some fantastic opportunities in Year 9 and Year 10 that will require a USI for you to participate. A USI will be required in Year 10 to make Year 11 course selections. The USI is very simple to obtain – please refer to the Student Quick Guide. Get organised… sort your USI now and bring it into school ASAP. Your USI information may be handed into the Front Office or at the Links Office to Mrs Lelaine Boardman, VET Manager.

Goldfields Scholarships

During National Apprenticeship Week (12 – 18 February) three Year 11 students undertaking a ‘trades’ pathway certificate were presented with a Tool Kit and back pack full of goodies as part of the Gold Fields Futures Program (Pre-apprenticeship). Karen Bradshaw (VP & Head of People & Engagement) and Sinisa Prka represented Gold Fields to present Kaiden Billett, Riley Hyatt and Travis Johnston with their Bursaries.

Pinjarra Football & Netball Academy Updates

PFNA Triathlon Day

On Tuesday 5th March 97 PFNA students ventured across to Mandurah Western Foreshore to partake in our annual ‘team triathlon’. Our year 8/9 boys and girls were divided in small teams where they had to complete as many laps in a given time frame for a swim leg, SUP leg and run leg. The day is designed to see our PFNA students embrace opportunities, work together, display leadership, teamwork and physical and mental toughness. It was great to witness them all trying their hardest whilst having so much fun along the way. Our year 10 students were given the task to organize and coordinate the day, which they all did a fantastic job.

Community News, Events & Promotions

Thank You to Coles Pinjarra

The Pinjarra Senior High School would like to extend a HUGE thank you to Coles Pinjarra for all of their generous and cheerful support with food donations so far this year! It has been simply amazing and has made our Chaplain’s job of sourcing donations SO much easier, and we know other local School Chaplains have been just as appreciative. And that’s without mentioning how grateful the students receiving the food have been!

Charges and Contributions


Thank you to those families who have already paid Contributions and Charges for 2022. We appreciate your support very much.  Your assistance helps us to work towards our whole school targets and priorities.


Please be reminded that Year 11 & 12 charges are compulsory as well as Year 8-10 High Cost electives. Thank you to those that have already paid.

Payment options are listed below. Alternatively, to assist in lessening any financial burden a payment plan can be negotiated.  Bank deductions can be set up and we can accept amounts as little as $10 per week. In order to arrange this, please contact the school on 9531 7000.

Proposed Charges and Contributions were included in your child’s 2023 Info Pack.

2024 Payment Plans

If you would like to look at starting deductions for next year, please contact our friendly administrative team at the school office for assistance either by phone (9531 7000) or email (


  • Internet Banking:
    BSB: 633000      Account No: 120445655
    Description: (eg Student Name (John Smith) Yr8, CC (Contributions & Charges), Yr10Camp etc).
  • By telephone using credit card facilities on 9531 7000.
  • In person during office hours (8.30am – 3.30pm), all EFTPOS/Credit Card options are available.
  • Negotiate a Payment Plan.
  • Post in a cheque.
  • Centrepay – this can be set up by parents contacting Centrelink

Thank you in advance for your continued support.

Traffic Wardens Needed!

WA Police is reporting a shortage of Traffic Wardens in the local area, and is currently looking to recruit.

To become a Traffic Warden, applicants require access to email, a full driving licence with access to a vehicle, and the ability to work 10 shifts per week.  The shifts will be an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon.

If you are interested in becoming a Traffic Warden, please call 6274 8731 regarding any queries or if you would like an application pack.