Important Dates

DateEvent Name
8 AprilLast Day of Term 1
25 AprilANZAC Day Public Holiday
26 AprilFirst Day of Term 2
29 AprilANZAC Assembly

Principal's Report

There is no doubt that a strong focus of our school community so far this year has been preparing for and managing the impacts of the Covid pandemic, which has well and truly made its presence felt in Western Australia since the borders opened.  As a school, we have maintained ‘business as usual’ to a large extent, thanks to the diligent efforts of our students, staff, parents and carers to adhere to the health protocols of mask wearing, physical distancing and hand-sanitising.  While inevitably, we have had Covid positive cases reported among our students and staff, these have been relatively small in number, enabling our school to operate with minimal changes to normal routine. My sincere thanks to the many parents and carers who have ‘kept us in the loop’ about your children and families’ health status and for your cooperation to help us to limit the impact of Covid in our school community. I completely understand that the volume of information coming from the Chief Health Officer and Department of Education can sometimes be confusing and overwhelming, so we greatly appreciate the patience and support that parents and carers have shown to the school to navigate this throughout the term. An update about operating conditions for term two will be available on our school website soon.

Despite the obvious disruptions that Covid has caused, a great many wonderful things have been implemented this term to get our school year off to a positive start. Among the most notable initiatives is the election of Student House Leaders and School Captains. This dedicated group of students spanning years 7 – 12 have committed to serve the student body by representing ‘student voice’ in planning and decision-making about important projects and activities within the school. Each ‘House’ has a student leader from each year group, ensuring that irrespective of age, all students have a peer representative to share and promote ideas, to listen to feedback and to work as part of the larger student leadership team across the school. The School Captains, year 12 students Willow Palmer and Jake Bidewell will have the additional role of being School Board members, to ensure student representation at our highest level of school leadership. My congratulations to the 2022 School Captains and Student House Leaders. I look forward to working with you throughout the year.

The school has been working on strengthening partnership opportunities with the community over the past several years to develop student pathways and connections to ‘real world’ learning and future careers. This year we have been fortunate to appoint a specialist ‘Career Practitioner’ to our staff to support and enhance this vital aspect of school operations. Our Career Practitioner is Mrs Gray, who brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the career education and pathway development space, having worked as the Senior School Coordinator and more recently as a Head of House at Pinjarra Senior High School.  In term one, Mrs Gray has been working on a partnership agreement with Alcoa to offer Alcoa Student Excellence scholarships for 10 Aboriginal students from year 7 -12. These scholarships are designed to provide support for Aboriginal students at school and to provide insights into the multitude of career pathways and job opportunities available both within Alcoa, but also the wider resources industries. Scholarship applications have been released and students will be chosen through a panel selection process early next term. This unique partnership project will be a pilot in 2022, with a view to consolidation and expansion in future years. We look forward to announcing the scholarship winners and to working with Alcoa to support pathways to excellence for our students.

Another fantastic initiative to support student learning and make sure that school provides a purposeful and relevant experience for our students is the Engagement Strategy, which offers a range of different programs and opportunities for students from year 8 to 10. So far in term one, selected year 8 students have participated in the Bike Rescue program coordinated by Mr Beswick and Mr Frost. Year 9 students have started working on a food production enterprise to support the school canteen with Mr Crock and year 10 students have launched the Pinny Crew air tasker enterprise within the school. Groups of year 10 students have also been invited to participate in accelerated VET preparation programs in Hospitality and Building and Construction, where they will commence formal vocational training in certificate qualifications in semester two. Students involved in the various programs have already done some great work and have benefited from the team approach to tasks to develop their communication and problem-solving skills. Students and staff are enjoying the opportunity to ‘learn differently’ and have made great progress in their pathways.

Many of you will have been watching the ever-changing landscape at the front of our school, as the new Sports Hall and Performing Arts Centre building is starting to take shape. We are now (almost) looking at a level site ready for the ‘footprint’ of the new facility to be put in place, which should happen early next term. The construction process has experienced a couple of delays, (as expected in any large-scale project), but we are well on our way to enjoying this fantastic expansion of our school facilities, which we expect to be complete before the end of 2022.

Obviously, the work being undertaken has created significant shortages of parking for staff, students and visitors which is no doubt inconvenient. This has resulted in increased parking on McLarty Road itself and on other streets immediately surrounding the school. While this is understandable, I would request that parents and carers endeavour to avoid parking along McLarty Road during peak ‘drop off’ and ‘pick up’ times, as congested traffic impacts the capacity of the busses to pull in and out, potentially compromising the safety of our students. Where possible, the use of less busy roads would be a better option, leaving the areas heavily used by busses clear for safe entry and exit. I realise that accessing the school has been made more complex by the building process, but we need to work together to minimise risk. I am sure that at the end of the project, when the building is finished, the ‘pain of parking’ will quickly fade. In the meantime, please do your best to help keep our students safe on and around the roads.

It is equally important that students and members of the public do not enter the fenced building site for any reason. During the construction phase, the site is under the control of the contractor, Universal Constructions. It has been formally ‘handed over’ and until the completion of the work, is not school property. Consequently, anyone entering the site without permission is trespassing and may be prosecuted. There are also considerable safety issues on an active building site, so we urge all parents and carers to remind students that they are not to enter the fenced area under any circumstances. If we can work together to minimise the risk of injury or damage during the construction of our new buildings, it would be appreciated.

This term has also seen the work of our wonderful P&C ramp up and have a positive impact on the school community. They work largely behind the scenes, but the tireless effort of our dedicated volunteers has certainly been noticed. In just ten weeks, they have made improvements to our School Canteen menu, launched the popular weekly ‘30 Second Rewind’ segment and continued the daily ‘Peek into Pinny’ posts on our school facebook page. The P&C has also commenced fundraising with the Valentine’s Day Pizza Date raffle, and the Easter Egg raffle being drawn this Friday, to support initiatives that directly benefit the school community. We are very fortunate to have such a proactive, involved and committed group of people supporting our school to provide great experiences, services and opportunities for our students. If any parents, carers or volunteers over the age of 18 are interested in becoming part of this fun and dynamic team, please contact Sharon Gangell – P&C President on 9531 7000. We would love to see you at our next P& C meeting in week 4.

Finally, as we look forward to the school holidays for a well-deserved break, a reminder to look after yourselves by continuing to wear masks in public as you venture out and about and to maintain physical distancing as much as possible. If you or your children test positive for Covid during the break, or are identified as a close contact, there is no requirement to contact the school. We will work with parents and carers to manage the return to school on 26th April in accordance with advice from the DoE and Chief Health Officer when this becomes available. We know that term two will see a continuation of most restrictions in school that we experienced in term one, but if we all maintain the protocols that reduce risk, hopefully the latter stages of term two will see a return to camps, excursions, carnivals and gatherings which are such an important part of the school calendar. Up to date information will be available throughout the holiday period on our school website.

Thank you all for your support and partnership to navigate the many complexities of term one. Have a safe and relaxing holiday and from all at Pinjarra Senior High School, Happy Easter.

Jan Stone

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Student Leadership Team 2022

Year GroupEarthScarpForestRiverTowns
7Luke BidewellKilara CooperMadi DonnellyAlivia DowdellSophie Watson
8Kaleb WatsonAmber DhuLilliana EudeyDotti PaulColton Entz
9Harmony AlchinEllalise WyllieXavier MorrisonOlivia DyerKade McHugh
10Hunter MillsBella ChalwellAngus McMullenKayla DawsonTaj Crowe
11Bailey JokicCorey PoolmanBen SalterJordan KingHunter Entz
12Jake BidewellBreanna CollardWillow PalmerBindi JordanHeather-Jane Scott

State Secondary Youth Leadership Conference 2022

On the 15th March, our newly appointed 2022 Student Council, participated with energy and focus in this year’s hybrid version of the State Youth Leadership Conference.  The event was hosted by Youth Leadership Academy Australia.

The action-packed one-day event consisted of guest speakers and team activities which included creative ways to undertake teamwork, communication, and coaching skills.

The guest speakers included some of WA’s most influential young leaders, who shared their leadership journey.

We heard from WA Young Australian of the Year, Kendall Whyte.  Her drive and determination started the grassroots movement to uproot the stigma of mental health that has now turned into a worldwide phenomenon.  She is the founder of the Blue Tree Project.

When given time to reflect the student leaders recalled messages they were inspired by as ‘you don’t need money to be successful,’ and ‘your age doesn’t determine your ability to make a difference.‘

This opportunity is one step in the leadership journey of our Student Council, as they work towards developing the skills and confidence to be change-makers at our school and in the community, and to prepare them for their future in leadership.

Tricia Miels
Manager of Student Services

Connect for Parents/Carers

Connect access for parents of students new to PSHS has now been activated! Connect is a secure online environment developed by the Department of Education for staff, students and parents in public schools.  It gives our teachers a tool to deliver content to the students via an online classroom.  This means your children will be able to share with you what they are learning about, submit assignments and discuss issues together online anywhere, anytime.

For parents, Connect provides easy access to information relevant to your child’s classes and learning such as assessments, teacher feedback and attendance data. Connect also provides access to a ‘marks book’ where parents can keep track of student achievement.

Schools can also use Connect to keep you updated with important information.  Things like up-coming events, excursions, classroom activities, photos and stories can be sent to you via email or, if you prefer, via a push notification on your phone.

The Connect Now app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

For newly activated parents/carers, you should receive your login details via the email address we have on file for you.  If you have recently changed your email address, please let us know by phoning (08) 9531 7000 or emailing so we can update your details.

For more information about Connect, click here.

Pinjarra Senior High School Board 2022

We would like to formally welcome all members – both existing and new – to the 2022 Pinjarra Senior High School Board. This year has seen the addition of several new community and school-based members, each of whom brings exciting energy and a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our School Board. I am confident that all members will make a valuable contribution to school governance and enhancing our capacity to provide high quality educational programs and opportunities for our students.

The 2022 Pinjarra Senior High School Board includes:

Fiona Davidson – Staff Representative – Associate Principal

Kelly Bain – Staff Representative and Community Representative (Pinjarra Rotary Club)

Jadon Gielingh – Staff Representative

Amanda Mouton – Staff Representative

Sharon Gangell – P&C President

Terehia Thomas – Parent Representative and local Aboriginal Community Representative

Cr David Bolt – Community Representative (President, Shire of Murray)

Skipper Van Peer – Community Representative (Program Director, Peel Bright Minds)

Dr Chris Vas – Community Representative (General Manager, Western Australian Food Innovation Precinct)

Michelle Cole – PSHS Manager Corporate Services

Tom Duxbury – Community Representative (Refinery Manager, Aloca Wagerup refinery) Acting Chairperson

Jan Stone – Principal

Special acknowledgement and sincere thanks to Tom Duxbury, who has stepped in as the interim Board Chairperson following the resignation of Professor David Holloway, who retired at the end of 2021. The election of a new Board Chairperson will be conducted during term two, as will formal induction training for the whole School Board.

Thank you to outgoing Board Chairperson Professor David Holloway and Lelaine Boardman (Staff Representative). Your service to the Pinjarra Senior High School Board is sincerely appreciated.

For enquiries about the Pinjarra Senior High School Board, please contact Ms Lisa Nairn on 9531 7000.

Australian Defence Force Visit

The Australian Defence Force visited to speak to Year 11 and 12 students, who took the opportunity to explore an alternative career pathway with defence. The students asked some insightful questions and were given an overview of a range of options in both the Forces and the Reserves. The website is an excellent source of information:

Mrs Gray
Career Practitioner

2022 Year 10 Alcoa Prospects Program Launch

63 girls attended the launch of the 2022 Alcoa Prospects Program. The Prospects Program has run since 2016. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this year, the students attended in three groups and Alcoa presented from an offsite facility. Over the year the students will have the opportunity to explore different career pathways and gain industry insights while improving both their communication skills and developing their resume. The students enjoyed the presentation and the M&Ms that were kindly provided by Alcoa. Forty students have volunteered to be involved in the program over the year.

Mrs Gray
Career Practitioner

Alcoa Community Consultative Network (CCN) Meeting

Pinjarra Senior High School has two volunteer student representatives at this meeting. Congratulations to Jody Wopereis (Scarp/Kadamorda), returning as the Year 12 representative after being involved last year and Saffire Cook (Towns/Karlak), Year 11 representative. The staff member attending the CCN meetings is Mrs Gray.  The meeting has Alcoa and community-based members and considers various aspects of Alcoa’s business and operational plans. Students are actively engaged in the meeting and can be approached if you have an issue that you wish to have raised with an Alcoa representative. This year students attended their first meeting through Zoom as our changing environment requirements have instigated new ways of approaching the way we work and interact.

Mrs Gray
Career Practitioner

Year 11 Outdoor Education Rottnest Excursion

The 2022 Year 11 Outdoor Education Rottnest Excursion was a huge success. The year 11 students, who are currently completing their Snorkelling Program, were able to experience some of the greatest snorkelling locations that Western Australia has to offer and for many students, this was their first time being to the island. The conditions on the day were perfect; with a low swell, and gentle easterly winds, it could not have been better. The students who have been developing their snorkelling skills throughout the term, were finally able to put them into effective practice. Student highlights included but were not limited to; the coral and fish at Little Salmon Bay, the swim throughs at The Basin, and hanging out with the Quokkas at The Settlement for lunch. Despite students riding well over 12km on the bikes to get between the various beaches, there were nothing but smiles and gratitude from all who attended. Lastly, I’d also like to thank Mr Westcott and Alisha Ward for their help in coordinating the day, it could not have been the success it was without them.

Brodie Patroni
HPE Teacher

2022 Contributions and Charges


Thank you to those families who have already paid Contributions and Charges for 2022. We appreciate your support.

We believe that the best way to provide quality education is through the provision of modern texts and equipment for students.  Declining payments of voluntary contributions may result in a poorer standard of educational materials for your child.  Therefore, we urge you to pay this portion to enable the school to provide your child with the education we believe they deserve to create their futures.


Please be reminded that Year 11 & 12 charges are compulsory as well as Year 8-10 High Cost electives.

Alternatively, to assist in lessening any financial burden a payment plan can be negotiated.  Bank deductions can be set up and we can accept amounts as little as $10 per week. In order to arrange this, please contact the school on 95317000.



  • Internet Banking:
    BSB: 633000      Account No: 120445655
    Description: (eg Student Name (John Smith) Yr8, CC (Contributions & Charges), Yr10Camp etc).
  • By telephone using credit card facilities on 9531 7000.
  • In person during office hours (8.30am – 3.30pm), all EFTPOS/Credit Card options are available.
  • Negotiate a Payment Plan.
  • Post in a cheque.
  • Centrepay – this can be set up by parents contacting Centrelink

Thank you in advance for your continued support.

Uniforms - Available from SportsPower Pinjarra

School uniforms are now available from Sports Power Pinjarra and not at the school.

Visit for opening times. Information regarding School Dress Code is available via this link.

2022 Secondary Assistance Scheme

Secondary Assistance Forms are available at the front office or online (available here). The Education Program Allowance ($235) and Uniform allowance ($115) is available for eligible families. The close off date for applications is this Friday 8 April 2022 (No late applications can be accepted).

To be eligible for the scheme, the parent/guardian(s) must hold at least one of these concession cards:

  • Centrelink Health Care Card
  • Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card
  • Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card (blue) card.

The concession card must:

  • be valid for at least four weeks
  • be valid for some time within Term 1 (31 January 20212 to 8 April 2022)
  • have the student listed on it
  • not be expired at the time of applying for SAS.

For more information, click here.

Wanted! Canteen Volunteers!

Enjoy meeting new people? Want to help the school community?

Our school canteen is in urgent need of volunteers, primarily for assistance in preparing lunches and snacks for our students.

Serving is not a necessity and lunch is provided for volunteers.

Hours are approximately 10am to 2pm, but the canteen is happy to have people offer as much time as they can spare.

For enquires, please contact:

  • School Canteen: 9531 7030
  • PSHS Front Office: 9531 7000

SmartRider Cards

All students are required to have a smartrider card. The initial card is free and will be automatically issued to new students.  The cards are now used as a library card as well as for signing in late or signing out early during the day for appointments etc.  Replacement cards must be ordered through the school library at a cost of $2.00. Further bus information can be found at:

Make Your Mark and Become a Part of Our Future History

To celebrate our centenary year, we have personalised brick pavers and gold seating plaques available for purchase.

The pavers will be laid between the current school office building and the new Performing Arts / Gymnasium building in 2022.

The gold seating plaques will be attached to the rear of the retractable seating in the new Performing Arts building. Money raised from the sale of plaques will be contributed towards the cost of the building.

Forms are available below:

Pinjarra SHS Centenary Merchandise

Pinjarra Senior High School Centenary merchandise is still available, however stocks are limited!

Tea towels, tote bags, and glass Keep Cups are $10 each, or all three items are available in a bundle for $25.

Our centenary merchandise is available from our front office.

Members Wanted - Pinjarra SHS P&C

The Pinjarra SHS P&C Committee is looking for more members to join their fun and friendly committee.  If you are interested in having a bigger input into your child’s education, simply contact the school via phone or email.

The committee averages one short meeting a term, with little to no fundraising time involved (only what you are willing to volunteer for).

Parent and community involvment allows the school to obtain a better picture of the expectations and preferences of its broader school community and external stakeholders.

From the P&C

The P&C Committee have had a positive start to 2022.  Our first meeting for 2022 was held on Wednesday 23rd February.  We would like to welcome out newest member Louisa, who is a Year 7 parent.  Louisa has already provided us with wonderful ideas and feedback, and we look forward to working with her. We would love to welcome more parents / guardians to our committee and strongly encourage anyone interested to contact the P&C on .  The P&C run one meeting a Term.

We held the first of four raffles planned for 2022 in February for Valentine’s Day. The P&C would like to thank Dominos Pinjarra for their donation of a heart shaped pizza and lava cakes for the raffle that was held on Monday 14 February. Ben from Year 7 was the lucky winner. Ben shared his pizza lunch with all the trimmings and decorations with his friend. Staff were also able to enter a raffle to win some native flower bunches or a bunch of bacon roses.

We are currently selling tickets for our Easter Raffle which is being drawn this Friday. There are 13 prizes up for grabs. The money raised from these raffles will go towards the Sun Smart initiative school hat program the P&C are in the process of organising – more information will follow when available.

The P&C, together with the canteen staff are planning an exciting new launch for our Canteen facility at the beginning of Term 2. Upgrades will be made over the April school holidays, stay tuned for more information.

Lastly, there are so many exciting things happening at PSHS every day. The P&C’s ‘Peek into Pinny’ regularly highlights of what students are up to on the Pinjarra Senior High School Facebook page. All parents / guardians are encouraged to follow the Facebook page, as the P&C try to post something every day.

Sharon Gangell
PSHS P&C President.

Chappo's Column

With so much going on in the world, from Covid now being on our doorstep, to parents losing jobs, to global warming, to threats of possible World War, it’s no surprise our kids may be a bit on edge at the moment! Now, more than ever I think we as parents need to be spending quality time with our kids. How involved are you in the life of your child or children? I love these 3 Tips from The Fathering Project that I encourage you to try to help grow even better relationship with your kids:

  1. Book it in and try not to cancel. Make a point of scheduling time with your children on your phone calendar or in your diary, just like an appointment or a job. Don’t leave these dates to chance, and if possible try to have 1 on 1 time with each of your kids once in a while.
  2. Keep it simple. Dates with your kids don’t have to be elaborate; a simple milkshake at a cafe, walking the dog together or just playing some basketball are easy ways to create one-on-one time.
  3. Be engaged. Turn off your mobile phone and don’t watch the TV in the background. Instead, engage with them to make them feel special, feel worthy.

This term It’s been a privilege supporting a number of students and families as well as staff, especially since we’ve had a bit of a revolving door of people coming and going for health-related reasons. I’ve really enjoyed running some weekly team-building games for a small group of Year 10-11 students and over the next few weeks we’re fortunate to have a representative from Destiny Rescue coming to speak to our Year 10 cohort as part of their HASS course content on Human wellbeing. As Term 1 winds up we’re all hoping life continues to adjust to the presence of Covid and we get back to having student excursions, assemblies and camps soon! If you are particularly struggling at this time and could do with some assistance with food or school uniforms etc. please don’t hesitate to let myself or Jackie know on 9531 7099.

Justin Hill & Jackie Greene
Pinjarra SHS Chaplains

Pinjarra/Waroona YouthCARE - Supporting School Chaplaincy

Our committee are selling Cadbury Fundraiser Chocolates, so if you would be willing to take a box to work or sell some for us we would love to hear from you! For more info please contact Justin Hill (Pinjarra SHS Chaplain) on 9531 7099 or our Chairperson Sheryl Gangell on 0424 239 367.

The Pinjarra/Waroona YouthCARE Committee

Community News, Events & Promotions

Click on the flyers below to view.

Traffic Wardens Needed!

WA Police is reporting a shortage of Traffic Wardens in the local area, and is currently looking to recruit.

To become a Traffic Warden, applicants require access to email, a full driving licence with access to a vehicle, and the ability to work 10 shifts per week.  The shifts will be an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon.

If you are interested in becoming a Traffic Warden, please call 6274 8731 regarding any queries or if you would like an application pack.

Rockingham Police Rangers

The Rockingham Police Rangers and are a youth/cadet group suitable for ages 12 to 18. They hold weekly meetings at Rockingham Senior High School’s gymnasium at the back of the school. (located on the left of Farris Street) from 6:30pm to 8:30pm on Thursday nights.

Police Rangers is an adventure-based program with an aim of linking participants to the police force for ages 12-18 and encourages young people to become leaders and valuable members of the community. Our program focuses on leadership skills, survival skills, radio work, navigation, first aid, basic drill commands and volunteering focusing on how these skills can be transferred into the police force.

We currently have positions available for any student that would like to join our unit. We are an inclusive program which can cater to the needs of most participants.

Any enquiries or questions or concerns please let us know through sending an email to or contacting us on 0424 115 494